testcode 2.0 (alpha) documentation


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The jobconfig file defines the tests to run. If a section named ‘categories’ exists, then it gives labels to sets of tests. All other sections are assumed to individually define a test.


A test is assumed to reside in the directory given by the name of the test section. For example:

inputs_args = ('co2.inp','')

would define a test in the carbon_dioxide_ccsd subdirectory relative to the jobconfig configuration file, with the input file as co2.inp (in the carbon_dioxide_ccsd subdirectory) with no additional arguments to be passed to the test program. All input and output files related to the test are assumed to be contained within the test subdirectory.

The following options are permitted:

inputs_args [inputs and arguments format (see below)]
Input filename and associated arguments to be passed to the test program. No default.
nprocs [integer]
Number of processors to run the test on. Zero indicates to run the test purely in serial, without using an external program such as mpirun to launch the test program. Default: 0.
output [string]
Filename to which the output is written if the output is not written to standard output. The output file is moved to the specific testcode test filename at the end of the calculation before the test output is validated against the benchmark output. Wildcards are allowed so long as the pattern only matches a single file at the end of the calculation. Default: inherits from setting in userconfig.
override_nprocs [boolean]
True if the number of processors to run the test cannot be overidden by command-line options to testcode.py. Useful to force certain tests to be executed on a given number of processors. Default: false.
test_program [string]
Program name (appropriate section heading in userconfig) to use to run the test. Default: specified in the [user] section of userconfig.
tolerance [tolerance format (see Tolerance format)]
Tolerances for comparing test output to the benchmark output. Default: inherits from the settings in userconfig.

Test categories

Each test is automatically defined to reside in a category of the same name. Additional categories can be specified in the [categories] section. This makes it very easy to select subsets of the tests to run. For example:

cat1 = t1 t2
cat2 = t3 t4
cat3 = cat1 t3

defines three categories (cat, cat2 and cat3), each containing a subset of the overall tests. A category may contain another category so long as circular dependencies are avoided. There are two special categories, _all_ and _default_. The _all_ category contains, by default, all tests and should not be changed under any circumstances. The _default_ category can be set; if it is not specified then it is set to be the _all_ category.

Program inputs and arguments

The inputs and arguments must be given in a specific format. As with the tolerance format, the inputs and arguments are specified using a comma-separated list of python tuples. Each tuple (basically a comma-separated list enclosed in parantheses) contains two elements: the name of an input file and the associated arguments, in that order, represents a test. Both elements must be quoted. If the input filename contains wildcard, then those wildcards are expanded to find all files in the test subdirectory which match that pattern. A separate test (with the same arguments string) is then created for each file matching the pattern. used to construct the command to run A null string ('') should be used to represent the absence of an input file or arguments. Tests within the same subdirectory are run in the order they are specified. For example:

inputs_args = ('test.inp', '')

defines a single test, with input filename test.inp and no arguments,

inputs_args = ('test.inp', ''), ('test2.inp', '--verbose')

defines two tests, with an additional argument for the second test, and

inputs_args = ('test*.inp', '')

defines a test for each file matching the pattern test*inp in the test subdirectory.

«  Configuration files   ::   Contents   ::   userconfig  »